Liberty for Vaccines

How can we continue to call America the land of the free and the Home of the Brave? How can we claim freedom of speech and choice, when both are so easily canceled under the guise of safety. 

It was Benjamin Franklin who stated – “He who would trade liberty for temporary security deserve neither liberty or security.”

I am a Registered Nurse. I am Proud to be a Registered Nurse. I love my job, and country. I have spent countless hours studying and researching so that I can uphold the Oath I took. Part of that oath was to do no Harm. The other part was to respect may patient and their rights to medical freedom.

It would appear now that freedom is being taken away. As a RN, who has made the choice not to vaccinate, for my own personal reasons, I am at risk for losing the career that I have, the career I dedicated my life to. 

I have heard the arguments:

 1. ) I am not forced to take the vaccine, I can just get another job.

Is it really as you say, “not forced?” When institutions pressured by the government and media take away my right to work based on a medical decision I have made for myself? “Get the vaccine or you can’t be a nurse.” Seems like coercion to me. It is meant to sound like a choice but in fact this is the illusion of choice.

 If I receive the jab, will I be compensated, for any medical costs related to the adverse Vaccine reactions that may occur? Will you as my employer hold yourself accountable, for forcing a medical treatment on me as a requirement of employment? 

2.) As a Nurse it is your responsibility to protect your patients from harm. 

True statement however, the Vaccine does NOT prevent transmission, of COVID-19. Vaccinated or not my patients can still contract COVID-19 from me. I am protecting no one, but supposedly myself, if I get the vaccine. Why then does it matter to my patients or humanity at large if I am vaccinated? Why are you willing to take away hundreds of Nurses livelihoods for a vaccine that will not protect me or others from the virus?

3.) It will reduce your chances of getting severe covid:

During the pandemic some people had severe COVID, and and some had mild COVID. Currently, some of the vaccinated are being hospitalized, along with the unvaccinated. It is troubling that the CDC has stopped following the vaccinated patients who get COVID, so we don’t know if those patients are hospitalized or not. There is NO data being collected to even support the claim that the severity of COVID is reduced in vaccinated, people.

We have been told so many things, there have been so many policy retractions, and it has been a struggle to just find the truth. Recently it has been revealed that the PCR tests being used could NOT tell the difference between covid or the flu. No wonder symptoms were so different across the board. How can we claim to have accurate numbers of people who actually contracted COVID? The CDC’s own report showed that 94% of the declared COVID deaths were from patients who tested positive but had other primary causes of death.

Between misinformation, retractions, cover ups, and fact checkers nothing has been transparent enough for me to trust what the government is saying, related to COVID or the vaccine. The politicians should have stayed out of medicine and science. I am afraid now that if the vaccine is harmful, there is too much political clout to lose, for them to admit it. 

The saddest part for me in of all of this, is that when the country needed nurses to fight an, unknown, at the time, deadly virus, WE all stood up put our scrubs on and went to work. Many of us put in long and tireless hours, with little breaks. We fearlessly confronted the challenges of COVID with limited protection and resources. I have to be honest we were scared, scared we would get it, sacred we would infect our families and loved ones. But we did it anyway, for you. WE were called heroes, and now we are treated as if we expendable, because our medical decisions are not the ones they want us to make.

Nurses, care for all patients despite religion, race, or creed. We show compassion, respect and dignity to our patients, despite the reason they enter our hospitals. We took an oath to take care of people, and respect their lifestyle choices, even if they are against what we believe.  Unfortunately, it would seem we will not be receiving the same respect or treatment. 

I stand for patients rights, to make informed medical decisions for themselves. I stand on the fact that my being vaccinated will not prevent me from transmitting the virus. I stand on the fact that my choice to not be vaccinated is my right. I stand on Freedom of choice, without coercion or bribery. 

This is beyond anyones opinion of the vaccine, this is beyond conspiracy theories and misrepresented data. This is about respecting each others freedom of choice. If we continue to allow institutions to make our medical decisions for us I am afraid we can no longer call America land of the free and home of the brave. 

If you are for mandatory vaccinations then I am afraid you are in the wrong country. This is America, and we respect others freedoms, including the freedom to refuse a vaccine. 

Vaccinated or Unvaccinated stop the Mandate and protect your rights! This will not stop at nurses, soon it will be you, and your choices. If they can get away with taking away our medical freedoms based on fear, then what other freedoms will we lose?

Please help us fight this medical tyranny. The time is NOW. Stop this country from becoming something other than what our forefathers dreamed of. 

Stand with US. 

Stop the Mandate.

Sign the petition. 

March with us. 

Join the movement.

And help us bring this issue to the public. 



Author: infrontoftheother

A Human Just passing through by using one foot in front of the other. Making friendly and not so friendly observations in the pursuit of life.

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